Hi, I’m Ameena, a New York City-based independent writer and editor who has covered architecture, design, real estate, neighborhoods, transportation, art, food, wellness, and other aspects of culture across NYC.

RIBA’s 100 Women: Architects in Practice is a Showcase of Global Talent and a Pursuit in Architectural Activism, ARCH PAPER

March, 2024
The architects in 100 Women have each navigated predominantly patriarchal landscapes in both academia and profession, challenging societal conventions while forging their respective paths.
January, 2024
After DIYing seven rentals on their own Atlanta property, Darrel and Patrice Maxam debuted their largest project to date: a series of cabins a wooded New York plot with deep familial significance.
Architect Rick Cook Designed a Home for His Family-Then Discovered Someone Had Done It Better, DWELL

January, 2024
A ’70s residence in upstate New York by Charles P. Winter gave Cook and his wife the perfect starting point for a sensitive 20-year renovation.

January, 2024
Thoughtful curations, proper lighting and some restraint keep can inherently busy interiors in check.
January, 2024
Buying a home is one of life’s big milestones and can be equal parts exciting and overwhelming, especially in New York City. From determining your budget to deciding which type of home is best for your needs, there’s a lot to consider when gearing up to purchase your first home.

June, 2023
Jennifer and Kenard Bunkley brave resident wildlife and the soaring cost of plywood as they demolish and rebuild their vacation home in upstate New York.
May, 2023
Rising sea levels and new weather phenomena portend an uncertain future for New York City’s Superfund Sites.

March, 2023
New York is undoubtedly a restaurant city. In a place where most people live in small apartments with even tinier kitchens, the best restaurants aren’t just a convenience—they stand in for New Yorkers’ living rooms and backyards, giving residents spaces to gather outside their homes.
January, 2023
This as-told-to essay is based on a conversation with Abdul Muid, a Brooklyn-based broker and the founder and principal of the real-estate firm Ivey North, about his experience with the current real-estate market.
May, 2022
Each year, millions of barrels are shipped from NYC to the Caribbean. Here's why, how, and the economics behind it.
“Creation is everything you do. Make something.”